Time to Exercise

Years ago we were going through something and my husband was talking to his mom about it.  Her response to him was, “Well, isn’t that what your faith is for?”  And of course she was exactly right. 

There are times when trials come and our faith has the opportunity to be exercised.

Not long before Jesus was going to leave His friends and this world, He told them, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)

He knew their lives would not be easy. Their world would be filled with suffering and danger and persecution and they could be tempted to fall back into their human emotions of fear and anxiety. 

Of course we’re no different today.

Emotions can be contagious, and if we’re not careful we can get caught up in the world’s anxiety.

But Paul reminded us to “…not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  (Phil 4:6-7)

The word “peace” that Paul talks about is the same word Jesus used when He told His friends He was leaving them His peace. It means one, quietness, rest, set at one again,” and comes from a verb (an action word!) meaning to join.

As we join our hearts, spirits, and minds to the Lord in prayer, He will quiet our souls and give us rest. He will fill us with not just any peace, but His peace.

Jesus said His peace would be different than the world’s. The world can only have peace (maybe) when there is no trial, no suffering, when everything in life seems good.

But Jesus’ peace isn’t dependent on outward circumstances; it comes from within. Just as Jesus promised to send His friends the Comforter, He has filled us with His Holy Spirit so we can live in His peace no matter what’s going on, even if our flesh and the world wonders why we aren’t panicked.  We are gifted with His Spirit and can have His peace even when it makes no sense at all. 

We don’t have to be anxious.  As we take everything that concerns us to our loving and compassionate Heavenly Father, He will exchange our anxiety for His peace.

And as we’re filled with His peace, the light of Christ shines through us, and nowhere does the light of Christ shine more than in the darkness. 

While the world panics, we can pray to the One who knows all things and controls all things.  We can stop, pray, let the Lord quiet our souls from within, and be a beacon of Christ’s love and peace in the midst of trials and in the face of the unknown. 

And who knows just how many might see Christ shining through us, and ask us why we have such peace.

Who knows what God may do in answer to years of prayers for revival, as we determine to live with the peace of God in our hearts and our lives. 

I think about Jesus’ friends and all they went through all the way up to their deaths as they proclaimed Christ, spreading the gospel throughout the world, and I wonder how many times His words filled their hearts and minds and comforted them. We are their brothers and sisters when we do the same.

Take it from 6-year-old Cameron Brundidge:  

“But God did not give me a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Amen, sweetie.


Oh Almighty God, Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, we come to you and ask that you fill us with your peace that surpasses all understanding. Help us walk in the Spirit and not in our flesh.  Help us think about things that are true, and noble, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable, and excellent, and praiseworthy…  Keep reminding us to pray for one another, and to pray that the world will take notice of the love and peace we have, and remember that we are also people who have put our faith in you, and we pray you would draw people to you through our faith.  Help us to be a light right now, Lord. We pray you would give us the words to tell anyone who asks about the reason for our hope.  May you pour out your Spirit on all people, and bring revival to our weary world.  In Jesus’ holy and precious name, amen.

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