Sunday Praise and a Father’s Day Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise and glorify you. Thank you for the blessing of calling us to be not only worshippers, not only your kingdom and your church, but your own sons and daughters. Help us grasp even more of the magnitude of what that means not just eternally but in our lives every day. 

Help us daily remember that you are our Heavenly Father and you desire to be and do all a good Father does in the life of His child, so that we never hesitate to call on you for every need, big and small. 

For those who might have had a difficult or even non-existent relationship with their fathers, please show them you are not like that. You are always full of love and forgiveness and compassion and faithfulness, and that you desired a relationship with us so much that you sent your own Son to bridge the gap between us through His death and resurrection. 

Lord, we lift up our fathers to you. First, we pray for those who know you, that they would know the joy of abiding in you and being filled with the knowledge and wisdom that fathers need for their children. Please teach them how to be the dad you’ve called them to be so that they bless each of their children in the way they need. 

Second, we pray for the fathers who have yet to know you. Lord, we ask that you would pour out your Holy Spirit to draw fathers into a saving relationship with you, so you can heal hearts and break the chains of generations of sin, beginning new and godly relationships between dads and their children. 

We are immensely grateful, Heavenly Father, for all you’ve done and all you will do. May we glorify you today and every day. In Jesus’ holy name we pray, amen.