Love Letter(s)

If you’ve been putting off reading God’s Word, knowing you need to, reminding yourself you’ve got to do it, but continually find the day is gone, you’re tired, and you haven’t read it, again, I get it. Our lives are busy and complicated and it’s hard to squeeze one more thing into the day. And that’s exactly why it’s so important.

If there were ever a time to start reading the Word God’s given to us, to start studying it, devouring it, memorizing it, loving it, it’s now. 

It’s been said the written Word of God is His love letter to us. God reveals Himself to us on its pages, beginning to end, from one miraculous, mind-bending story to another, showing us His vast love through His grace and mercy, and the plan for His most precious creation.

The Holy Bible is not just another book (or 66 of them to be precise). The writer of 2 Timothy, Paul the apostle, tells us in 3:16, All Scripture is God-breathed…”

Throughout the ages God Himself spoke through flawed but chosen people to proclaim a Holy God.

Paul goes on to say scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

This is the crux of His desire for those who would believe in His Son and follow Him. Sin comes so easily to us, and seems to be even easier as the world around us devolves into a state of maddening chaos.  

But God’s Word is the place we can go for refuge, for truth, for all those much-needed disciplines Paul lists so we can be in the process of maturing and fulfilling God’s plan for us: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

The writer of Hebrews (probably Paul) also tells us in 4:12, For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” 

Through God’s Word-its incredible stories and the people who lived them-the Holy Spirit reveals to us our own hearts and the ways He desires to heal us, give us purpose and the abundant life we were meant to live. 

Since the moment we were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, we became soldiers in a spiritual battle and God’s Word is the beginning of our training so we can overcome the enemy of God who is always on the move.  We need discernment and wisdom so we know a lie when we hear it, always alert to his ways, and trained to be attuned to the Lord, not allowing ourselves to be distracted by the world’s noise. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, none of us knows what a day will bring. No matter what happens, we want to be found with our spiritual armor securely fastened, strong and courageous, walking with the Lord. 

By starting the day with scripture, even if it’s just one verse, and a prayer, we take His hand and turn our hearts and minds to the things of the Lord, allowing Him to prepare us for what lies ahead, so we can walk in the Spirit and not in our flesh.  

I can’t tell you how many times the Holy Spirit has brought scripture to my mind as a warning, for healing, and for hope and encouragement. But He can’t remind me of something I’ve never bothered to read in the first place.

So I’m giving you a challenge. Start with just a verse. There are a lot of verse-of-the-days you can have sent right to your email to start you off. But don’t stay there. Add a second verse, and a third, and then a chapter… 

And when you truly begin to study it, to make it the priority of your day, you’ll find hidden treasures in the meaning of its words and context that will show you even more the depth and beauty of our God and His love for us. 

And pray! Pray for understanding, for wisdom, asking the Lord to speak to your heart in a personal way as you read through its pages.

It may be hard at first, but keep at it. Before you know it, you’ll find you love it and its Author more and more. 

As you walk in what you learn, you’ll find yourself bearing His fruit of love, joy, and His peace. 

Let me know how it goes!

For Him,

Heavenly Father, remind us as we begin each day to begin it with You. Help us be consistent, and fill us with a love for the precious word you’ve so thoughtfully composed because of your love for us. In Christ’s name we pray, amen.




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