Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Contentment

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your holy name. You are the Creator of heaven and earth. You give life, physically and spiritually, and you are the Provider of all good things. 

Your word tells us that godliness with contentment is great gain. Lord, we confess we can get caught up in this world and all it says we need to have for happiness. But those are only traps to keep us from what this life is meant to be. 

We pray that as we walk in the Spirit we would be content with where you have us today. You’ve ordered our lives according to your purpose, and we know you’ll provide anything we need.

And we do pray for those in need right now. We know you see each of your children and you hear their prayers. We ask that you would meet all their needs according to the riches of your glory in Christ.

As we rest in your provision, help us take our eyes off ourselves, off the temporary trials we may find ourselves in, knowing that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 

We ask for your vision to see our lives here as you see them – very short periods of time we have to know you, to cling to you so we can grow up in spiritual maturity, being transformed into the image of Christ with ever-increasing glory, that we may be fully ready for the eternal life you’re preparing for us now. 

Give us boldness, Father, as we look for the opportunities you give us to magnify and glorify the Name of Jesus, that many will come to know Him as Lord and Savior, and that we might fulfill Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations. 

Help us to not waste this time on things that don’t matter, but to use it according to your perfect will and plan for our lives. And as we do, we know we won’t miss out one bit on any fleeting moment of superficial happiness in the world, but instead we’ll be filled with the depth of joy and peace that only comes from knowing you. 

Thank you, Father. It’s in Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 


As always, if you have a prayer request, please feel free to leave a comment, email me, or message me on my Facebook or Twitter pages. I’d be honored to pray for you. 

For Him,


Sunday Praise and a Prayer of Thanks

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for True Freedom

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your holy and precious name. Lord, we are forever grateful for this free nation you’ve given us. Thank you for giving those who founded it a desire to have a land where we have a right to freedoms, including a right to freely seek you, and that their vision was based on their belief in you and your word. 

Thank you for blessing us so abundantly. 

Father, all these years later, as a nation we’ve forgotten you. What’s right is wrong, and what’s wrong is right. We’ve removed you from schools and courts and in many cases, churches. We humbly ask for your forgiveness, and we beseech you, on your great mercies by the blood of Jesus Christ and by the power of your Holy Spirit, we pray for revival. 

We pray you would pour out your Spirit for an awakening to our sin leading to repentance. We pray you would come against the forces of darkness at work among us, that you would bind the hand of the enemy, pour out your grace, and heal our land.

We pray for churches that are led by unsaved people that you would bring salvation. We pray for churches that are led by people who have forgotten you that they would turn back to you and allow you to lead them. And we pray for churches that are led by those faithful to you, that are led by your Holy Spirit, that you would strengthen them and give them boldness and courage to continue teaching your word and praying with boldness.

Father, I ask for forgiveness for my own sins. Where there is sin hiding in my heart, please reveal it to me and help me confess it before you and walk uprightly, and be holy – set apart for you and your work. May you use the struggles in our lives to draw us ever closer to you and make us more faithful and more useful in your hands. 

We pray for those who love you but have been hurt by the church and have left it. Please heal their hearts and lead them to a church that is Spirit-led where they can be loved and grow. 

In all this, we pray you would strengthen the church to become a beacon of your light and holiness, examples of love in all we do to a lost and dying world that needs you so much.

Thank you for the true and lasting freedom you give us in Jesus Christ, and we pray you would move upon countless hearts to desire that same freedom, and through the salvation of many, our land would be free from hatred and violence, free to serve a Holy and loving God, and live with you, and one another, in peace. 

We give you our hearts, Lord, and pray your perfect will is done. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, amen. 

If you need prayer, please feel free to contact me.  

Sunday Praise and a Father’s Day Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise and glorify you. Thank you for the blessing of calling us to be not only worshippers, not only your kingdom and your church, but your own sons and daughters. Help us grasp even more of the magnitude of what that means not just eternally but in our lives every day. 

Help us daily remember that you are our Heavenly Father and you desire to be and do all a good Father does in the life of His child, so that we never hesitate to call on you for every need, big and small. 

For those who might have had a difficult or even non-existent relationship with their fathers, please show them you are not like that. You are always full of love and forgiveness and compassion and faithfulness, and that you desired a relationship with us so much that you sent your own Son to bridge the gap between us through His death and resurrection. 

Lord, we lift up our fathers to you. First, we pray for those who know you, that they would know the joy of abiding in you and being filled with the knowledge and wisdom that fathers need for their children. Please teach them how to be the dad you’ve called them to be so that they bless each of their children in the way they need. 

Second, we pray for the fathers who have yet to know you. Lord, we ask that you would pour out your Holy Spirit to draw fathers into a saving relationship with you, so you can heal hearts and break the chains of generations of sin, beginning new and godly relationships between dads and their children. 

We are immensely grateful, Heavenly Father, for all you’ve done and all you will do. May we glorify you today and every day. In Jesus’ holy name we pray, amen.


Sunday Praise and a Prayer For Strength in Our Brokenness

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your holy and powerful name. 

Lord, so many times we try to run from our brokenness and our weaknesses and perceived flaws by ignoring them or hiding them or trying to right them ourselves. 

Instead, we offer them up to you today and ask that you would fill those places with your strength and power and make our faith even stronger, our character more beautiful, than we ever would have been without them. 

We give you all the glory and honor and praise in advance for what you’re going to do. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

* * *

If you have any prayer requests, please leave a comment, message, or email me. I’d be honored to pray for you. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer to Be Still

Oh Heavenly Father, we praise you. We praise the One, the only One, Who is full of grace and mercy. 

Today we simply ask that you would help us to be still and know that you are God. Help us to cease from our works, to cease striving to gain your love and your favor. In your Son you fully love us already and nothing can separate us from your love. 

Help us be still within our spirits and lean into our Savior Jesus. 

You know what we need, and we ask in your great grace and mercy that you would provide for us, and that we would give you all the glory. In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer on Pentecost

Before we get to our prayer, let’s look for just a moment at Pentecost. 

With the Lord there are no coincidences.

First, Passover is the observance of the time in Egypt when God caused the plague of death to pass over the those who’d taken refuge inside homes where the doorframes were covered with sacrificial lamb’s blood.

And Passover was the day God ordained the crucifixion of Christ, the perfect sacrificial Lamb, and the shedding of His blood so that spiritual death would pass over any who would take refuge in the blood of Christ through belief in Him.

Likewise, fifty days after Passover is Pentecost (which means fifty), also known as the Feast of Weeks, the celebration of the first fruits of the wheat harvest.

It was also the day God ordained to send His Holy Spirit to indwell the disciples of Christ, referred to several times in the Bible as wheat, reaping the first fruits of the harvest of Christ’s work on the cross.

For those of us who believe in Christ and are filled with His Holy Spirit, we are the continued harvest of those seeds Christ planted all those years ago. 

Not only is Passover a day to remember that miraculous, joyful time in the lives of the first disciples, but a celebration of what God’s still doing today.  

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your glorious name. Thank you for your perfect ways and for the beauty in all your plans. 

Thank you for the gift of salvation and of your Holy Spirit who gives us wisdom, teaches us, ministers to us, comforts us, and leads us through the treacherous terrain in our lives. We are forever grateful for your grace and mercy. 

Father, we pray you would use us to continue your work, and that many more harvests would come as your Holy Spirit works in and through us. In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Israel

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you.

You are the LORD, the God of Israel, their Maker, the Holy One of Israel, the LORD Almighty, the God and Savior of Israel, the righteous God and Savior, and there is no other. 

Before you every knee will bow and every tongue will take an oath that in you alone are righteousness and strength. In you the descendants of Israel shall be justified and shall glory. 

We pray for your protection over your beloved Israel, for her deliverance and salvation.

May you be glorified and may Yeshua HaMashiach be worshipped.

It’s in the name of Jesus Christ, the name above all names that we pray, amen.  

(Taken from Isaiah 45)

Sunday Praise and a Mother’s Day Prayer of Gratefulness

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you and thank you for all the ways you’ve blessed us, nurtured us, fed us, taught us, ministered to us, held us, walked with us, called us, provided for us, cared for us, showed us your compassion and hope, and a million other ways you’ve shown yourself faithful to us. 

Father, today there are some who are celebrating, some are hoping, some remembering, and some grieving. We pray for each and every one, that you would bless them according to your riches in Christ Jesus. 

Thank you for imparting your mothering character to all of us, and for giving us people who have mothered us, whether our own or someone else, and for putting others in our lives so that we can nurture and love them.  

You are a God of wonders and miracles and joys and we look to you with hearts of gratefulness today. 

Thank you, dear Father. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

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Sunday Praise and a Prayer for the Body of Christ

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you. Thank you for your unending, merciful love that brings healing and goodness into our lives. 

Lord, we pray for the body of Christ, for believers whose spiritual walk has been lukewarm, who have allowed themselves to be pulled into the world and the love of things in it, who have been lured into the belief that they have just enough faith to save them, but are missing out all you have for them.

We pray that in your mercy you would open their eyes, soften their hearts, and bring them to repentance and a desire for spiritual things.

We pray our brothers and sisters would be unfulfilled by all the world has to offer, and know that what is missing is you.  We pray you would give them a hunger and thirst for righteousness, that they would seek hard after you, and that you would fill them with the peace and joy they long to have.

We pray you would show them the way to true and lasting faith as they give their whole hearts and lives to you. 

For those who have believed at one time, but whose hearts have grown cold, LORD, please reveal yourself and show them your desire to love and forgive them, to gather them under your wing and heal their hearts and minds, and to make known to them the plan you have for their lives. 

For those who are abiding in you, but maybe there are some areas of their lives they have kept from you, please give your strength and courage to let you have it all. That we would give you our whole hearts, even the hard things, the things we can’t face alone, and face them with you, knowing you are compassionate and full of grace. 

Father, help all of us yield our whole selves to you, that we can experience all you have for us, every healing, every blessing, every gift, and every bit of spiritual growth while we have time. And may we be a light, Lord, for the whole world to see how great is your love. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.