Sunday Praise and a Prayer for the Body of Christ

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you. Thank you for your unending, merciful love that brings healing and goodness into our lives. 

Lord, we pray for the body of Christ, for believers whose spiritual walk has been lukewarm, who have allowed themselves to be pulled into the world and the love of things in it, who have been lured into the belief that they have just enough faith to save them, but are missing out all you have for them.

We pray that in your mercy you would open their eyes, soften their hearts, and bring them to repentance and a desire for spiritual things.

We pray our brothers and sisters would be unfulfilled by all the world has to offer, and know that what is missing is you.  We pray you would give them a hunger and thirst for righteousness, that they would seek hard after you, and that you would fill them with the peace and joy they long to have.

We pray you would show them the way to true and lasting faith as they give their whole hearts and lives to you. 

For those who have believed at one time, but whose hearts have grown cold, LORD, please reveal yourself and show them your desire to love and forgive them, to gather them under your wing and heal their hearts and minds, and to make known to them the plan you have for their lives. 

For those who are abiding in you, but maybe there are some areas of their lives they have kept from you, please give your strength and courage to let you have it all. That we would give you our whole hearts, even the hard things, the things we can’t face alone, and face them with you, knowing you are compassionate and full of grace. 

Father, help all of us yield our whole selves to you, that we can experience all you have for us, every healing, every blessing, every gift, and every bit of spiritual growth while we have time. And may we be a light, Lord, for the whole world to see how great is your love. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Love

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you. Thank you for the gift of love, of yourself. You are too grand for us to fully comprehend, to understand your existence and your eternal nature, but we are forever thankful that you created us and through the sacrifice of your Son, by faith, brought us into relationship with you to receive your love, and through the filling of your Holy Spirit, experience its depth, and be given the ability to love you and love others. 

Father we ask for forgiveness for the times we’ve failed to love. They are too numerous for us to name, but we ask that you would heal the hearts of those we’ve caused pain, and we thank you for softening our own hearts and granting us repentance and new mercies to begin again.

Hold onto us, Lord, and give us willing hearts to obey you. Keep us from even the temptation to sin, knowing that allowing sin would begin to harden our hearts and break the precious communion we have with you. And when we do sin, help us to quickly repent, so we can abide in your love again. 

May we be quick to take the love you give us and your example and love others, our brothers and sisters in the faith, and those who have yet to come to you, and to love our enemies, remembering that

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

This is how you love, Lord, and this is how we want to love, too.  Help us understand more and more the scope of it so we can love others in a way that glorifies you. 

In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen. 

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If you have any prayer requests please let me know!


Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Discernment

Heavenly Father, we praise your holy and precious name. We’re so thankful for your faithfulness and patience with us even when we are less than faithful. Thank you for holding onto us and never giving up.

Father, we pray today that you would enable us to discern good and evil. We know the enemy schemes against us, and he is able to take your truth and twist and turn it, add in a bit of untruth, and try to make us believe it and follow that belief away from you. 

Father, may it never be that way with us. We pray you would fill us with such a love for you that we would hunger and thirst for righteousness, that we would fervently seek you in your word and in prayer, that we would grow up in our faith, desiring and receiving the teaching of solid food. 

Mature us, Lord, so that we may be discerning and not allow the enemy to trip us up in even the slightest of lies, deceptions, twists of the truth, or anything that would give him a foothold in our lives. Give us discernment to resist him, no matter who he may be using to spread his lies. 

Give us ears attuned to your voice, and the wisdom to discern it from any others. 

May we be strong in you, Lord, and in your mighty power, alert and filled with wisdom, that we would never accept anything but the unadulterated, powerful truth that brings the spiritually dead back to life, that moves mountains, that brings healing, that gives us the abundant life you came to to give us.  

Thank you, Father, for your everlasting love. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

If you have a prayer request, you can leave a comment here, on Facebook or Twitter, or message or email me, and I would be blessed to pray.  

In Christ’s love,


Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Peace

Oh Precious Heavenly Father, we praise and magnify your name. You are mighty and holy and worthy of all praise. 

Father, we ask for forgiveness for our sins, and we thank you for giving your Son to take the punishment that should have been ours. 

Thank you for blessing us far more than we could ever deserve. A right relationship with you is all we need, but through it you’ve done so much more than we could have ever imagined. 

Father, I want to lift up our country again to you this week. We need you so much, and we know there is nothing we can do in our own strength to change anything. We desperately look to you and pray for your grace and mercy and the pouring out of your Holy Spirit as we walk into the events of the week. 

We pray you would go before us and bind the hand of the enemy, that you would let your peace and rest be in control of our land, especially in our nation’s capital. We pray your power would be felt and your light would shine in the darkness. 

This week and beyond, may your Church, with repentant and thankful hearts, constantly lift up our voices together to you, in faith, knowing you hear us and will answer us, as we pray for salvation among the lost and revival within your church, and that you would give us the wisdom, strength, courage, and hope we’ll need in the coming days and years. 

May we abide in you so we can be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, producing the fruit of magnifying and glorifying the name of Jesus wherever we go. May we do in our world today what the early church did in theirs, and be your witnesses in our homes, our neighborhoods, and to the ends of the earth.

In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen. 


Sunday Praise and a Prayer for Perseverance

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you. We praise you for all you are and for all you do. You are our King above all kings and we look to you and you alone to provide for us, to give us courage, to open and close doors, to show us the way. You are not only the God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come, but You are our Father who lovingly cares for us in Your power and victory. 

Thank You for the strength You give us as we walk through long trials. We sometimes get tired and weary, but as we hold out a hand to You, You lift us up.

You invite us to take your yoke upon us so you can lift the weight of our trials, and that through them we can learn from You and Your gentle and humble heart, and find rest for our weary souls. 

Father, help us persevere through the prolonged difficulties we face. Help us continue to keep our focus on you, daily dying to our flesh and being filled with your Holy Spirit, seeing through your eyes of grace and mercy. 

Help us not get restless as we wait for your deliverance, but give us patience and your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Help us to “do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that we may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then we will shine among them like stars in the sky as we hold firmly to the word of life.”  

Fill us with your joy and hope at what’s to come, and through them may we  encourage and build each other up until that day. 

Thank you, Father, for your love and faithfulness to keep all your promises. May our faith rest confidently in You. 

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Sunday Praise and a Prayer for the Sick

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you. You are the omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God. You are faithful to hear our prayers, and we thank you for hearing our prayer today. 

Father, we lift up to you those who are facing life-altering and life-threatening illnesses.

For those who know you, we ask that you would renew their strength and hope. We pray you would comfort them and fill them with your peace that passes all understanding. We pray you would surround them with people who support them with love and friendship. We ask that you would also give strength and hope for their loved ones and caregivers. 

For those who don’t yet know you, we pray you would reveal yourself to them in a very personal way. Maybe they’ve blamed you for what they’re going through. Maybe they’re angry, or lost and just don’t know where to turn. We pray you would not allow the enemy to fill their minds with lies.

Father, we know what a personal and compassionate God you are, and we ask that you would show them that you know them and you love them.

We pray you would open their eyes and turn their hearts toward you, that they would receive you as their Lord, their Savior, their Hope to walk with them through this time, giving them all they need and more. 

We pray you would remove all fear and help them keep their focus on You, the God Who is bigger than anything they’ll face here on earth. We pray you would give them strength and courage to walk in confidence with you each day. 

Father, you are also the Great Physician. You created our bodies and you can heal them. If it be your will, Lord, we ask that you would do miracles and grant healing and restoration. We pray you would open doors and move mountains to do those things that need to be done.

We pray you would give the doctors and nurses your wisdom, your skill, and your compassion. 

We pray, Lord, that you would also open doors to provide financially, and that all debt is paid. 

Father, we pray you would be glorified in all these circumstances. What the enemy has meant for evil, we pray you would use for your good. We lay it all at your feet, trusting you, and we thank you ahead of time for what you’re going to do. 

In Jesus’ precious and holy name we pray, amen. 


Sunday Praise and a Prayer of Rejoicing

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your holy and precious name. We give you glory for all you’ve done to bring us salvation – nothing short of giving your own Son to be born, to grow up and reveal to us who you are, to be the exact representation of your being, and then to give Him as the perfect sacrifice in payment for our sins so we could be reconciled to you. 

Father, we are so grateful for loving us in such an extravagant way. 

As we get nearer to the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior, help us to not let the busyness of this season overshadow the miracle that took place in the stable all those years ago.  

We truly rejoice in the grace and mercy you gave us, wrapped in swaddling clothes. 

We rejoice that you spoke through your prophets about where He would be born and who He would be so we wouldn’t be left to wonder if He really was the Savior. 

We rejoice that He was born with a body like ours, was tempted as we are and identified with us in every way, yet remained sinless, both God and man.

We rejoice in all the miracles surrounding His birth – that Mary and Joseph were obedient to you with such an overwhelming calling, that the angel of the Lord spoke to the shepherds telling them the joyful news of the Savior’s birth, and that a star led wise men from so far away to worship. You brought people near and far to rejoice in you and spread the good news that a Savior had been given to the world. 

Lord Jesus, we rejoice in You and give you glory, proclaiming that you are the long-awaited Messiah, the Savior, the Christ, that you are the good news, the best news the world has ever or will ever know. You’ve given the world hope, and we pray the weary world will turn to you and rejoice with us. 

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving us a reason to rejoice. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, amen.


Sunday Praise and a Prayer of Thanksgiving

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you.  We praise you for your sovereignty and your holiness. We praise you because you are worthy of all praise. 

Father, we always give you thanks, but during this week when we’ll stop for a day to observe all we have to be thankful for, before the turkey and the stuffing and the pie, we want to honor and bless you by thanking you for all you are and all you’ve done for us. 

For many it may be difficult to see what there is to be thankful for. Father, give us hearts that are softened toward you and willing to be thankful, even as a sacrifice to you. We pray that throughout the week you would put on our hearts all we have to be grateful for, for every good gift that’s come from you. 

Thank you for Jesus and for His sacrifice on the cross that paid for our sins, that He took the punishment that should have been ours. We are deeply and eternally thankful, Lord. 

Thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit who indwells us and leads us, teaches us, comforts us, strengthens us and fills us with your peace that passes all understanding. 

Thank you for calling us your children and providing us with everything we need. Thank you for being with us at all times, never leaving or forsaking us, but constantly shining your light and joy into our lives, especially when it seems as though the world around us is falling apart.  

Thank you for your faithfulness to keep every one of your promises, like preparing a home for us with you. 

Thank you for the people you’ve placed in our lives, for their love, the spiritual fellowship we share, and the friendship we enjoy. 

Thank you for every big thing and every small thing we can sometimes overlook in the busyness of our lives. 

Thank you for the sun and moon, clouds and rain, breezes and fresh air, flowers and trees, lakes and oceans, sunrises and sunsets, and even for the pets that make us smile. 

Thank you for blessing us so abundantly. 

And Lord, thank you for prayer. Thank you for allowing us, through Jesus, to come before you with every need, every desire, every fear, every hope, and for hearing us when we do, and for answering us according to your perfect will.  

Thank you, Father. Help us to be a people who are always mindful of your blessings and overflowing with thanksgiving. 

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 


Sunday Praise and a Prayer the Lord Will Be Glorified

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You. We praise Your magnificence, Your glory, Your righteousness. You and You alone are God and You hold us, with grace, in the palm of Your hand. 

You have blessed us mightily over the centuries, providing for us in countless ways, teaching us and leading us out of sin, pouring out Your Holy Spirit for revivals, saving lost souls, and letting the light of your truth shine throughout this country. 

And in many ways we have taken so much of it for granted. We have taken the glory for ourselves instead of acknowledging You, instead of thanking You for giving us wisdom, strength, and the freedom to prosper, and the victory we’ve needed, over and over, to remain free.

Instead of acknowledging that it’s You who has allowed us to remain a nation with freedoms we enjoy every day and praising and thanking you for it, we have let the freedoms You’ve given us lead us into the bondage of sin, calling evil good and good evil.  

Father, we humbly ask for your forgiveness. 

You are a God of great grace and mercy, and we know your heart’s desire is that we repent and turn to You to live rightly because You know sin hurts and destroys us. You know what we need to turn back to you, and sometimes that is suffering.

Father, may we turn to you quickly. For those who know You, may we boldly and without fear proclaim Your name, glorifying You with grateful and loving hearts that we may be salt and light to the world around us.

Please pour out your Holy Spirit for revival again, to soften hearts and open the spiritual eyes of those who are lost and those who are backslidden so they will turn to You in repentance, acknowledging and receiving You as Lord, glorifying and praising You, so we can be one nation, united, under Your grace, protection, and blessing. 

Our hope is in You.

In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen.


Further Update for The Return

Hello Friends. I wanted to share with you the link to the updated schedule for the event The Return, as the times have changed just a bit since I last posted. 

The main event is this Saturday, September 26, but there will also be an event this Friday afternoon/evening, and a time of worship Saturday afternoon/evening, depending on your time zone.

You can watch it live from the website. Please remember all times listed are for Eastern Standard time, so please adjust accordingly. 

What is The Return?  Pastor Jonathan Cahn explains it like this:

“A movement, an appointed time, and a specific day set apart for one purpose – the return to God, that there be a coming before His presence in humility, in sincerity in prayer and repentance, that there be intercession for America, for each other, and for oneself, for God’s mercy, for salvation, for healing, for revival, for restoration, and for the fulfillment of God’s purposes for America and all who dwell within it.”

Along with Jonathan Cahn, there are many speakers and prayers scheduled, and I expect this to be a powerful time of repentance, of awakening and returning to the Lord.  

Heavenly Father, you are the Righteous and Holy One. We are in desperate need of your grace and mercy and forgiveness through your Son’s sacrifice on the cross.  We pray you would anoint these speakers and prayers, that your Holy Spirit would fill them to speak your will, that you would draw countless people to watch this event, to hear of your love and offer of forgiveness, and that you would bring a powerful revival within each of us, and throughout our country and our world. In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen.